logo icon
Attention customers
;Payment status

Brand book


Main logo

Additional logo

Use for TERMINAL theme

logo image
logo image
logo image
logo image

Use for site themes

logo image
logo image

Logo protection field

The protective field is the space around the logo in which other significant graphic elements should not be located. It also defines the minimum distance from the border of the format.

logo image
logo image

Фирменная палитра

The signature palette of city24 includes two main and two additional colors. This palette is the main one for the company's identity, as well as for external and internal advertising.

RGB and HEX - used in digital space. PANTONE or CMYK - these palettes are recommended for products that do not require full-color printing.

  • CMYK: (90, 0, 100, 0)
  • RGB: (19, 164, 56)
  • HEX: #00B004
  • PANTONE: 2271 C
  • CMYK: (25, 25, 25, 100)
  • RGB: (21, 18, 16)
  • HEX: #151210
  • PANTONE: Black 6 C
  • CMYK: (62, 14, 0, 0)
  • RGB: (38, 168, 225)
  • HEX: #0F99D7
  • PANTONE: 299 C
  • CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
  • RGB: (255, 255, 255)
  • PANTONE: 000 C

Use of the logo is prohibitedUse of the logo is prohibited

Disproportionate scaling when adding other elements, using other font styles, changing the transparency of any part of the logo, 3D rotation, strokes, shadows.

logo imagelogo imagelogo image